
KPI Reporter is a Python module that is installable via pip:
pip install kpireport


A Docker image is available on DockerHub with all dependencies required by all available plugins.


Invoking the installed bin script without any arguments will default to generating a report over a window ending at the current date and starting at one week ago. To specify different windows, use the --start-date and --end-date options.

# Generate report over last 7 days (default)
kpireport --config-file my-report.yaml

# Generate report from last week
kpireport --config-file my-report.yaml \
  --start-date $(date +%Y-%m-%d -d'-2 week') \
  --end-date $(date +%Y-%m-%d -d'-1 week')

If you do not specify a --config-file option, the tool will attempt to find a configuration in the following locations (in order):

  1. ./config.yaml

  2. /etc/kpireporter/config.yaml

If using the Docker image, the configuration file can be mounted in to one of these locations:

docker run --rm -v my-config.yaml:/etc/kpireporter/config.yaml \

Installing licenses


Your license file should be kept secret! If you post your license file online or in a source code repository, anyone could steal your license. If you would like to request a new license in case of compromise, you can send an email here.

By default, KPI Reporter looks for a license files (ending in .pem or .key) in /etc/kpireporter. The last file found is used. This allows you to name your license files by date if you want.

mv path/to/license.pem /etc/kpireporter/

If using the Docker image, you can mount the license file inside the container:

docker run --rm -v license.pem:/etc/kpireporter/license.pem:ro \

You can also use the --license-file flag to load the license from a different location.

kpireport --license-file path/to/license.pem [...args]


If you are not using the distributed Docker image, and are installing KPI Reporter via pip, you will have to install some small set of additional plugins to get started. Two simple plugins you may want are the Plot and Static file ones.

Plugins provided as part of KPI Reporter project are prefixed kpireport-, and so are installed like the following:

# Install KPI reporter with MySQL, Prometheus and SendGrid plugins
pip install \
  kpireport \
  kpireport-sql \
  kpireport-prometheus \


It is possible to install all available plugins via the all extra:

pip install kpireport[all]

In practice due to how pip handles (or doesn’t handle) cross-dependencies this can be tricky. It may be better to install some “core” plugins first before attempting:

pip install kpireport kpireport-static && pip install kpireport[all]